Friday, July 01, 2005

Are you SURE it fits?

I think I'm directing this one more to the men-folk out there....the ones who will be wearing their own clothes and not a rental tux:
There's a suit that's been hanging in your closet. Perhaps it's been in there since the last wedding you went long ago was that now? It fit you the last time you wore it, sure. But...does it fit you now?
Are you SURE? Better try it on...just to see.
Do the shoulders of the suit have an inch of dust on them from hanging your closet for so long? I bet there's a cleaners nearby that you could take it do. Have it cleaned and nicely pressed...Oooh, won't you look sharp?!?!
And while we're at it, what about that shirt you wore with it? Did you ever manage to get that stain out from the mustard or salad dressing that someone else got on you (wink, wink)?? Are all the buttons still attached? You're not missing any, are you? Any rips or tears that need mending? Better check! Your wife or girlfriend won't be too pleased if she's asked to do any mending five minutes before you leave for the wedding!!
You know what? Maybe it wouldn't be such a terrible idea to get a new shirt or even a new suit, for that matter.
Why not? All of us ladies will probably be sporting new duds, looking all fresh and pretty...why not you, too? There WILL be cameras there, y'know! ;)


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