Monday, July 25, 2005

The Bridal Shower Revisited

For those of you who could not make Wendies Bridal Shower, here's a general idea of what you missed:

Sixty guests spread out among nine tables in the Godfather Room of Vinny T's in Natick on Saturday, July 23rd. We were lucky with the weather and got ourselves a bonofide perfect summer day - bright and sunny, not too hot, nice breeze... you know the kind of day I'm talking about!

Guests started to arrive minutes before 12:00pm. The room was buzzing with chatter and laughter. Some sat in small groups at tables while other preferred to stand. It was great to see everyone, but especially those who I don't get to bump into often enough. THANKS FOR COMING!!

The waiters took drink orders while the room filled up. I worked with my fellow Bridesmaid, Gina, to fit the ever-growing number of gifts for Wendie and Chris on the tables provided. We needed the staff to bring in another table because there were so many!!

While the shower was no longer a surprise for Wendie, waiting for her to come through the door was exciting for us all. Through the windows we could see Bridesmaid and cousin Kasey pulling into the parking lot with Wendie in tow. It was just after 12:30 that the two of them arrived. Wendie, wearing a black skirt with white ribbon detailing, a pretty white teeshirt and VERY CUTE black shoes was smiling and laughing and trying to work herself through the room.

Salads were delivered to the tables at 12:45 and Wendie took her seat to have a bite to eat. Once she was finished with her salad, she got up to work the room some more. It takes a lot of time to say hello to 60 chatty ladies, afterall! The main course of the meal - chicken parm with penne and bowtie vegetale - was delivered and Wendie was ushered back to her seat to eat before she went about the big job of opening all those gifts without breaking any bows or ribbons. Every ribbon broken supposedly equals one baby in the future...Wendie broke FIVE!!!
She got so many wonderful gifts that will make her and Chris's house in Bellingham a warm and inviting home. She's very blessed to have such thoughtful and generous friends and family. I'm sure we'll all be invited over for coffee one of these days so she may put to use the FIVE coffee makers she unwrapped!!
Thank you all for coming to the shower and making it something Wendie will remember always with a warm heart, a smile and a laugh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that my wonderful sister has done it again!!! She has gone above and way beyond the call of a "Maid of Honor"!!! I had so much fun at my shower...I loved seeing everyone...the food was to die for and the day could not be any more perfect!!!
Thank you to all for all the fabulous gifts for Chris and I to start our "married lives" together with. Having everyone there was quite a surprise!!!
There were a few tears shed by me while opening my momma's gifts...I didn't even read the card (until later), but just knowing that it was from her...the woman who put me on this earth and has made every single day beautiful...made me cry happy tears. A wedding day is coming and my momma and sister have made this day, that has not even taken place, the most wonderful day a girl could ever imagine!!! Thank you...I love you both!!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005 10:29:00 PM  

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