Monday, August 15, 2005

Murphy's Law...NO PROBLEM!!

Murphy's Law states that IF something can go wrong, it WILL go wrong. Any professional wedding coordinator will tell you that something will ALWAYS go wrong at a wedding, no matter how well-planned the event may be. These facts may freak me and you out, but the bride and groom have decided to take their Jamaican lessons to heart:
When one of our groomsmen was forced to step down from his ceremony services, I freaked out over the uneven-ness of the wedding party and wondered if someone would step in as a replacement usher. Wendie and Chris said, "No problem!" One lucky groomsman would have two lovely ladies on his arm. (Whatta stud!)
When my dyed-to-match shoes came back looking like a rusty old toilet (a strange orangey-brown hue, watermarks and all) instead of the Apple Red they were supposed to be, I had a small temper tantrum. The bride, standing next to me at the time of the unveiling, only backed away and told me, "No problem!" New shoes were bought and 911-dyed at the source, and the bad shoes were sold full price to the person who dyed them orangey-brown.
The final writing on the wedding programs hasn't even been finished - never mind getting the silly things printed! They have to be at Glen Ellen by Thursday afternoon. The bride doesn't seem to feel the hurry-up-ness of this though and tells me, "No problem!" They'll get done though....somehow.
Looking out the window right now, I see darkness and rain. I have to wonder about what the weather will be like on Saturday. The ceremony itself is scheduled to be outdoors under a tent. If the rains holds up, we'll be forced to move the ceremony inside! I say that sucks!! Wendie and Chris agree that it would suck, but then add: "No problem!" They just want their family and friends around them when they trade their 'I do's'.
Say it with me now: "Awwwwwwww!!!"


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