Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Bed is Made

I'm sitting upstairs in Wendie's old bedroom. The place has been cleaned and redecorated for Wendie's short-lived homecoming that will take place tomorrow night after the rehearsal dinner. Mom went out and got new curtains, new sheets, new bedspread, new everything for the occasion. One more sleep at home before going off to live her happily-ever-after as a married woman.
I'm looking forward to that last night. I don't know what we'll do, but I imagine we'll have a good chat about a lot of nothingness. Sister stuff. Maybe we'll watch Steve Martin' s "Father of the Bride" and go through a box or two of Puffs Extra Strength With Aloe!!
The curtains Mom got for Wendie's room are long, white gauzey material. The kind that you'd see in old romantic movies blowing in the wind coming through the open windows. Very romantic looking. Her wedding dress is still carefully packed in its plastic zippered dress house. Tomorrow Mom will come in here and take it out of the bag and fluff it out. She'll probably even add tissue paper to the inside of it to "keep its shape". It's a mother thing, I guess.
I've already seen Wendie in the dress on two or three occasions, but it won't be the same as seeing her in it on the actual day of her wedding. She'll be a breath-takingly beautiful bride, this I know for sure.
Ask her if she's nervous and she'll tell you she's not. This I don't understand. Aren't all brides nervous right before their wedding day? Wendie says she's more excited than nervous...she's been with Chris for over nine years, afterall. What's to be nervous about? I guess I can see her point.
Well, as far as I can see from my point of view...the bed has been made and it's just about time to sleep in it. I know it'll be a great sleep full of wonderful, happy dreams come true.
Pleasant dreams to all!


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